

Human being


contemplative craft

Self integration


creative calling

home safe projects & hol- sum art services

Creative Practice Facilitation is a bit like coaching, a bit like therapy, and usually inspiring and growth centric. I LOVE working with people and I invite you to reach out.

Rebecca Peebles

Artist, Creative Practice Facilitator

wear your truth

  • Merit Intuition


    Hand-beaded peyote stitch.

    18” sterling-silver paper clip chain.

  • Descend&Return


    Hand-beaded peyote stitch.

    25in. beaded cord.

  • merit good grief


    Hand-beaded peyote stitch.

    24” Sterling silver paper-clip chain.

  • instagram

    …a bit more about my habits, studio life, nerdy interests, travels and 2 poodles!

who is hol sum ?

HOL SUM, another way of saying “wholesome,” is about self integration through creative, contemplative practice.

Somewhere along the way, Rebecca Peebles realized her art practice and dedication to her craft techniques is a form of contemplative practice. Setting about making art with this intention changed her work for the good of humans and most recently has evolved into crafting amulets and badges of merit for the natural heroism of human being AND hosting contemplative creative practice workshops for developing better self and others.

If the beadwork speaks to you, know that “My wish is for the wearer to see and connect with their own selfhood and wear the work as a totem to self respect and gratitude for their unique life journey.” Rebecca’s own hardships and joys are reflected in these wearable pieces of art. She believes that these beadwork contemplations are projections of self-compassion that can be shared empathically with others.

If the ethos of Hol Sum speaks to you, please find out more about Home Safe Project workshops and retreat offerings for you to practice engaging in your own creative practice. Rebecca and friends regularly add opportunities for tuning in, so check back now and then.


I’m open to commissions, workshops, studio visits, and hearing your ideas, so I welcome you to connect.