home safe projects

ART: Alvin P. Gregorio. OD on Love and Cash Me Outside.

Home Safe Project : Riding with Death, Fall 2022

What else does hol sum Do? Home Safe Projects.

creative practice facilitation one/one & small group.

Creative Practice Facilitation is a partnership with Rebecca in a thought-provoking and creative process that empowers confidence in one’s own potential. Creative Practice Facilitation is oriented toward developing self supporting habits and promoting creative mind.  Creative mind is proven to increase a sense of ease and possibility in oneself, which is an important way of navigating life's challenges.  Spending time together, all hands engage in learning craft-based art that can be practiced anytime while not in session.  The doing will be the craft work while remaining open to the being self’s thoughts, questions, ideas and memories that may arise as part of the process of creativity. This is truly an offering for proactive mental health development.

Workshops scheduled

Grief is a Garden: Tending the Heart in Preparation for Winter at Denver Botanic Gardens

Conscious Grief tending through creative studio practice. No artistic experience required - only willingness and curiosity.

Dates: Sundays, Oct. 6, 13, 20, 27 and Nov. 3

& Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm

Fee**: $225 DBG member, $270 non-member

**Shimmering Wings will once again offer partial (50% off) scholarships to students who inquire. For additional information contact Shimmering Wings at 720-443-3178

Course Description: 

Grief is a Garden: tending the heart in preparation for winter is a collage mixed-media course that aims to facilitate tending to the growing matter of grief through creative, visual art and multi sensory experiences. 

Grief is often misunderstood as a sad mind-state from which to try to escape, but we may better understand grief as a rich, dark feeling place - a healthy “soil” from which we grow and find beauty, meaning and our own style of tending. Finding and using ready-imagery, color and texture to visually communicate the grief that is often difficult to express in words, participants will follow the intuitive process of collage. Assembling a personal grief garden, one may find a place for the grieving psyche to rest and to discover one’s own resilient creative practice of soul-tending. 

Participants will learn how anyone can use creative art processes to process emotion and settle during disorienting states of normal human experience.

Utilizing accessible media - paper, scissors, glue, pencils, pastels, paints, etc. - Students will be guided through the beginning to end of landscaping their personal grief metaphorical container as a growing garden.

Along with visual arts activation, there will be corollary “breaks” or additions to active art process - for example: poetry, doodle sessions, “get-up-and-move”, observing and sharing times. Participants will have access to the garden beyond class-time.  Non-lyrical music will be played during studio sessions to further engage senses toward creativity.

Prerequisites No prerequisite required, but bring your curiosity along.

Required Materials (Materials that students purchase and bring to class): No required materials, but participants are strongly encouraged to bring any and all print media (magazines, catalogues, calendars, photographs), art papers, and scrap papers of their own to incorporate into the fertile collage of their garden-scape. Ok to wait until class 2 to better understand what you might want to bring. 

Late summer Peyote Stitch beadwork class at ReCreative Denver, TBA

Workshops - offered/available, ages 12+

Beadwork One to three day workshops learning either the peyote stitch or the brick stitch - two common and infinitely applicable beading techniques using seed-beads. We’ll learn the stitch, practice, consider the process and make a special offering for yourself or an other to wear. Beadwork is a fine method for contemplative mindfulness practice.

Mindful Drawing One to two day workshops for the learning and practice of contemplative mindfulness applied during creative work. Creativity can be very challenging to the ego, so why not practice how to respond constructively to the inner critic? “This is not a drawing that needs to be “good,” but a drawing that is showing me what I can not see any other way.

Silent Day Retreat : Music, Mindfulness, Gourmet Lunch, and Contemplative Drawing facilitated by Charlie Smiles and Rebecca Peebles (Hol Sum) and hosted by Home Safe Projects in NE Denver, CO

9am -3:30pm - reach out to coordinate a date for your group. Minimum of 4 people required.

Give yourself an ever-widening sense of ease by joining us for Silent Day Retreat. Together with Musician and Mindfulness facilitator Charlie Smith (Charlie Smiles) and Artist and Creative Practice facilitator Rebecca Peebles (Hol Sum), we will spend the morning gathered for guided silent meditation accompanied by music, followed by a delicious, gourmet lunch (mindful of your health and dietary needs), and an afternoon of contemplative drawing practice. After a day-cation like this, likely all participants will end the day’s retreat feeling grounded and recharged.

Hosted by Home Safe Projects in NE Denver’s Cole neighborhood. Participants will be given the address upon registration confirmation.

Please connect with Rebecca home.safe.projects.co@gmail.com for more information if required.

exhibitions/events at home safe north east denver, CO, usa

Art can be difficult to relate to in a gallery exhibition space, so Home Safe is a method of exhibiting work in a domestic setting wherein the intimacy of hand-crafted art takes precedence to objectification. The artist(s) and guests can share in the work together and take advantage of the comfort of home to showcase the animating quality of art and craft’s soulful expression.

Riding with Death - paintings by Alvin Gregorio and Prayers - paintings by Hector Zaragoza October - December 2022

The experience of professional exhibition through the lens of domesticity and familial experience.

ANIMA : small artworks by artists you think you know. December 2023 - January 2024

For the artists : Exercising creative mutuality to explore what opposes the Persona yet is the animating facility within professional art practice.

Dinner, Show & Tell : Theme : Kids’ Stuff

June 9, 2024

The results

“Remembering Human being through contemplative craft.”

— Rebecca Peebles

Art: Anthony Garcia Sr. White Washed 2. 2021